๐ŸŒOnce Upon a Time

370 years after the creation of Blockchain, the planet is experiencing a technological overdose where the Earth's population lives, works, and interacts in a virtual world called the Metaverse. Humanity has advanced so far that interplanetary travel and contact with creatures from all over the universe are normal. There is no longer any human contact, only digital communication.

At one point, an energy crisis on Planet Earth greatly affected humanity's existence, and a war for energy caused Earth's NFT magic core to fragment into thousands of pieces, scattered all over the galaxy. These fragments are called Ardoxus.

Resources for survival are becoming increasingly scarce, and the last remaining fragments of Ardoxus on Earth have been used to transform existing beings into NFT Warriors, who have the mission to seek resources and access new worlds through the Metaverse portal.

They fight in incredible battles throughout this adventure to collect Ardoxus fragments, rebuild their civilization, evolve their NFT technology, and expand their crew.

In addition to the NFT warriors, there are thousands of other creatures throughout the universe in the race for the fragments.

In the current scenario, civilizations embark on incredible adventures and expeditions in search of ARDX. Obtaining this precious resource will require a great deal of dedication during adventures and battles.

Are you ready for this journey?

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